Jason Miller wrote about my post on his blog here and here. When people comment on my blog I am sometimes reminded of what a poor communicator I can be when I dash something off. I love Jason's blog because, for the most part, he doesn't do that. If I were the type to steal talent, I'd steal Jason's and Witchdoctorjoe's writing abilities.
That being said, I did not mean to say that I was spending too much time on thaumaturgy, i.e. practical magick that attempts to change the mundane world. I meant to say that I spent too much time seeing magickal abilities as a validation of spiritual growth. While no part of my conscious self believes that the ability to astral project makes me a better person or is a sign that I have achieved spiritually, I think part of my 'lower nature' does. I think that lessens who I am in my own mind, which is, pardon the French, bull pucky.
Changes in attitude, daily thought patterns and deeds are a much better measure of spiritual growth and attainment.
My conscious goal has always been growing spiritually. Probably very early, I equated magickal talent with spiritual achievement. I fully agree with Jason that are some powerful people whose goal, as far as I can tell, is not what I'd label spiritual. They may label it that way. There is no way for me to know.
What I seek is spiritual unity, understanding and wisdom or at least that is what I tell myself. My HGA told me that I'm looking for companionship in the after life. That sounds like a Christian fear to me. Maybe that is why I have so little patience for those that believe in that god more to avoid punishment than actual devotion, as well as those who claim that they have no choice but to obey their pagan gods. Consciously, that sounds like passivity to the point of slavery to me. But maybe, it means they are living in a way to appease their fears and I am living in denial of my own. Frankly, I am not sure which is worse but they are both decidedly human methods of coping with terror.
(Cowardly Lion "Put 'em up" Image from: http://www.npr.org/blogs/bryantpark/lconvert.JPG)
That being said, I did not mean to say that I was spending too much time on thaumaturgy, i.e. practical magick that attempts to change the mundane world. I meant to say that I spent too much time seeing magickal abilities as a validation of spiritual growth.
I'm not sure if you're including me in the "duel" (which strikes me more like a polite discussion), but I think your writing ability is just fine - it's exactly what you wrote above that I disagree with, and I got it from your previous post. I do think that it is a sign of spiritual growth when your magical abilities increase. Obviously, that's not the only sign - deeds and attitudes count too - but I'm of the opinion that practical magical progress is meaningful and shouldn't be discounted.
A friend used to call me Percival because I always asked the wrong questions.
It seems to me that given how much discussion this particular question has sparked, it probably is exactly the right one to be asking as far as the blogosphere is concerned. Keep up the good work!
The Dueling blogs was meant to be humorous. Hence, 1/2 the double meaning of the cowardly lion picture. I have no problems with discussion but I was really referring to Jason commenting on my blog and me clarifying something he said.
My spelling mistake in the title was amusing to me as well but I didn't plan that. I would have misspelled it intentionally had I thought about it.
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