Tuesday, June 1, 2010

follow-up to previous post

From the comment section: How'd you contact the HD? Any similar method with GD magick? Or is it strictly Jason Miller's correspondence course that lead you to your HD?

Jason's course was more of trigger. It got me out of my rut of tired methods. Sometimes you need to shake yourself up. My mentor once warned me of too much work with archangels making folks too rigid, morally superior and other such issues.  Too much god form work, like invoking the same deity every day for two weeks straight can turn one into a horse. We learned that one from experienced when I asked if it could be done too much. His response was something like "Well, the hard part is usually getting people to do it at all. Try it and let me know."  It never occurred to me to extend the metaphor to the same tech over and over makes one a dull boy.

I did no GD tech to get to the HD. In fact, I find it funny that I can just seem to get to It by intuition. One night I made up a poem/mantra. Another night, I modified it. Another night, I received a vision of a shape my partner could focus on. By myself, I have a symbol I can use to focus on. Yet, It normally appears with a thought. I can relax to turn up the volume.

Getting in touch with the HD is easy. Almost so easy that it sparks concern within my skeptical mind. Could it be something pretending to be something else? Could I imagine it all? (No, too much confirmation). Why is it so easy?


Jack Faust said...

"Almost so easy that it sparks concern within my skeptical mind. Could it be something pretending to be something else? Could I imagine it all? (No, too much confirmation). Why is it so easy?"

Assimilation of techniques and systems leads to elements of them becoming "organic," as Spare would put it.

Wolf said...


why you use Liber Samekh of Crowley instead of Invocation of Bornless from Gerardie's "The Golden Dawn"? Are there any particular reasons for such choice?