Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Meditation on Steroids

Tonight, I tried to up the ante with the Manifestation Meditation. I feel I am so close to greater things and a tighter connection with the highest levels of my soul. So, I added a bit of Enochian language that I have some experience with. The goal of this bit of language is to open a portal.

Portals, or doorways, to other realms are as helpful as the obvious implications inherent in those words. So,  I attempted to create a portal to my Greater Neschemah, my immortal soul.

Immediately, I saw a crystal shape descend into me. Ho hum, that image had been in my mind from reading material from early on in my career. There was a huge influx on energy that came with it. That is why I am writing this at 1 AM. I had visions of a home I will live in or is owned by people that I am very close to, perhaps related. I could almost see some faces. It was a nice place.

Is that a metaphor? I have a tendency to take things too literally sometimes.

What really hit home was the idea that the immortal soul lives in and can still be connected to imperfect personalities, "because they are a perfectly valid expression of the soul." This is freeing. I have received lots of indications that my drive to personal perfection isn't a requirement.

I am not sure why but I found this a bit scary. I will do it again. Perhaps tomorrow.


If you liked my blue hand, the artist's "art only" blog can be found here.

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