Saturday, November 22, 2008

Truncated Pyramids?

My Gal and I have made great progress on our Enochian tool making. Soon, we will have all that is necessary for skrying the aethyrs. So, as all that comes together we are looking to make the elemental tablets. to do so we need lots of truncated four-sided pyramids. The base should be an inch and the top cut off so the upper most flat surface is 1/2 an inch. I haven't done an exact count but we'll likely need about 900 to 1,000 of them. Once obtained we will painstakingly paint them as appropriate and create three dimensional Enochian elemental tablets.

Problem. We do not have the equipment do this and I'm not sure that my construction skills are up to the task. They have to be pretty precise to fit together neatly. Is there anyone out there with the capability of constructing these? If so, how much would it set us back?

Option #2 is making some sort of mold that we can press Sculpty or other form of craft clay into. That may be the way to go.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Unknown said...

My experience has been that posterboard/foamboard works best. Yes, it's a lot of work with a craft knife. Yes, it's a lot of work - period... But it's much more manageable if you work in smaller sections.

However, beyond that initial scrying, I've not found much use for the pyramids. They take up a lot of space on an altar without really adding much benefit to the Work. But that's just my experience...

Robert said...

That is quite the original idea! Thank you.