Monday, September 12, 2011


Part of my work right now is that of recombination. When the work starts, the elements that make one up are separated. The basic idea is that when the ego forms it forms in some measure of ill-balance. So, the elements are removed, refined/purified and eventually recombined into a position of greater balance.

I have done the separation. I have done the purification. Naturally, that doesn't mean I am pure. I am not Jesus or Buddha. It means I've done as much as I can and the recombination has to take place. As far as I know, there is no instruction manual.

Today, I popped into temple and willfully started that process. I'm sure it has been going on but now I am taking an active hand. Frankly, I think I have earth and air well in hand. Spirit is also looking good. I am gaining an understanding of fire. Water is still very problematic.

I can say this. I gave each element a command today. There was no ritual. I simply spoke. All five have delivered what I asked for within twelve hours. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Be careful what you wish for?" Water! Ugh. I find working with its metaphorical side so difficult. Being disconnected from the element of unity is quite ironic.


Rose Weaver said...

Nope, no instruction manual for the reformation of ego once you've separated it (or blown it up in my case), purified it, and are ready to re-balance/re-combine the purified parts. Each one of us are on our own when it comes to this portion of the equation, but that's what makes this portion of the journey so fantastically interesting, wouldn't you say?

Best of luck to you!

Unknown said...

"It means I've done as much as I can and the recombination has to take place."

In alchemy, the first recombination, which set in motion the stages of generation, resulted in the "unmultiplied stone". It was exalted, but nowhere near perfect. The entire process had to be repeated many times, using the stone as the prima materia, before anything resembling perfection could be produced.

One foot in front of the other.