I am very excited about the Manifestation Meditation. It has worked so well for me and appears to be off to a good start for others. I pray that my little book will help others find there way and be as little interference as possible for those that need something else. I have such a ways to go before it is complete but it feels like it is already a part of me. In the interests of full disclosure on exactly how far I have to go, I am just shy of 8,000 words. I am really starting to push though. I am shooting for a realistic 15,000 by months end but really wanting 20,000.
I want to increase the immediate impact of the meditation for my own work. I have two methods in mind.
Years ago I asked Sam Webster why he didn't teach the Middle Pillar exercise in his order. He said that you do not add energy to an impure vessel. This logic ought to be readily apparent. However, I was taught another way. Such energies helped keep one balanced during the difficult initiatory process. This logic is just as sound. Given the trauma of the PTSD I had at that time I am thinking that for me, Sam's approach may have been better. Then again, the approach I learned may have helped me stick with the program. There is no way to know. I am not even trying to apply even a hint of fault in my mentor's instruction on that score.
What I do know is that I cannot be a purer cleaner vessel than I am immediately after I do the MM. So, next time, I will do a middle pillar afterwards. I will also experiment with doing it during the meditation. In yet another variation, vibrating the entire tree as part of the process. Hopefully, I will take my sweet time and not blow my head off again. Though, blowing my head off last time seemed to have some positive result!
The other method I will use will be to fold in my version of the Prayer of Jabez into the process. This prayer was very effective for me. I need to return to it anyway. Those interested in reviewing that area of the blog can use the blog archive to the right of the page and find posts in February 2011. I think you'll find references in March as well.
The Nutty One Takes up the Flag!
The Nutty Professor, frequent contributor to the comments section of this space, will be doing the meditation as well. Normally, I do not cut and paste people's emails and post them but I have permission to blog on her progress with the meditation.
I am in a lot of back pain today. I really didn't want to write to Nutty as I promised. I put it off for some time. Then, I felt I had no choice. I HAD TO send that email. The email was a set of brief instructions for doing the meditation. She wrote:
...thank you for this. I had just completed my weekly "meeting" with HGA. Cried out for guidance, there were some thwarted plans and expectations today. Why is this happening? why am I unable to align myself with the Will? I asked.
Tired, cranky, I turn to see your email to me on the screen.
Little confirmations like this tell me I was listening properly when offering the opportunity to Nutty. That doesn't mean it will work out well for her or I. It simply means the lessons will be necessary.
How do we get in on the MM instruction? I've been following you for a little while and I'm very interested.
I am not sure on how to answer that question at this time. However, I do suggest you stay tuned. Sooner or later it will be answered. Getting this out there is a requirement for my life work. It will become available.
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