Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Starry Soul

At some point in doing the Manifestation Meditation, I was introduced to something I call the starry soul.  This looks like a night sky, vast and full of stars. I am not sure what this is. It feels much less personal. Is this a bridge between the microcosmic and macrocosmic?

I am trying to experience this by going through myself using the MM. To say it is subtle is an understatement. I am not having a great deal of luck that I am capable of explaining. I feel something...tangentially...but I am not writer enough to explain those feelings.

The Starry Soul and Healing

As I have reported, I have been working with My Gal. She has having problems with her liver issues. She has been nauseous for two weeks. I have been able to calm that down for a few hours to a day. I used the MM to heal as I always do. This time, I included the starry soul.

I was able to find much deeper issues. I healed some deeper issues the starry soul revealed to me, including the emotional damage from our past relationship and the original motivation for the magick she did that caused or exacerbated her liver issues. She has been fine for over two days. At the very least, this is an improvement.

I am calmly excited by this discovery, even if I cannot explain it. I am hoping this will allow me to heal physical issues in a much more complete way.

Speaking of Healing

The Agnostic is sleeping well and much less anxiety ridden. No job yet and probably isn't looking but I think she is less miserable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Agnostic is sleeping well and much less anxiety ridden. No job yet and probably isn't looking but I think she is less miserable.

You're right that I haven't been looking for work, but I have been earning some money working from home for my dad's business.

And yes, I am much less miserable. In fact, I'm pretty happy. All of the things I was stressing about before are still there to be stressed about, but I haven't been stressing over them. :)

♥The Agnostic♥