Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Potentially Dangerous Work

RO made a good point in the comments section of last night's post.

The technique I am using is a variant of Poke Runyon's goetia technique, which I do not endorse for that purpose. Poke has an initiatory and practiced take on things that may work great for his students but likely shouldn't be practiced by the person that hasn't taken all the preparatory steps in his system. I could be wrong but that is my opinion of the moment.

As long time readers know, I have a particularly bad issue that stemmed from trauma within a former group. My work on this issue is the only work magickally I've ever done without significant, even short term, result. I am willing to go out on a bit of a limb for these of reasons.

1)  I am really tired of being tired of this issue. I am willing to conquer it or die trying and that isn't a huge exaggeration.
2)  I have done a lot of invocation and some evocation in the past. I'm not a novice.
3)  Golden Dawn work does prepare you with a number of tools that may not be in the toolkit of the average practitioner without benefit of that training and those initiations.
4) If I get in trouble, I have quiet a few people I respect that can call me short that I will listen to.
5) I've seen too many signs that this is the right path for me at the moment.

In short this is not the first method that I'd have chosen to use. However, I will not live in abject fear of working outside of the norm, especially since Western CM is not the world wide norm.


Jason Miller, said...

"I will not live in abject fear of working outside of the norm, especially since Western CM is not the world wide norm."

Right on!

Robert said...

I wondered if you were still reading or not given how busy you are of late.

Davin Mac Lugh said...

I am still reading along as well, just so you know.
Though I have to admit, I understand little of what your talking about these last few posts as I am not a CM.