This is likely more Metatron fallout.
For reasons I cannot explain, I looked up the Four Noble Truths. I found this site. Within this brief description is a link for the 8 fold path. I now realize the processes I've used in my seeking the divine mirrors this ancient way of thinking. There is beauty in the simplicity of these things.
I am not saying I am going to run out and become a Buddhist. However, there may be more to explore there.
I do consider myself a sometimes-not-very-good-philosophical-not-religious Buddhist, at times, once in a while, occasionally. There's a lot of useful stuff in it, and what I like about it is that it's mostly about living *here*, not so much about "seeking the divine," a rather vague goal to my mind (I'm sure *you* know what you mean by it -- I'm not sure everyone does, though, when they say it). Enjoy digging into it.
And rockin' good show with Metatron. I only ever got one word out of him, nevermind that it was a pretty darn important one.
Thank you, Patrick.
In order to know what is meant, you have to be at the destination. For a long time, it was just a calling. I knew what I was supposed to do.
Part of the illusion is that the divine is 'other'. The inverse of the illusion is that we are divine.
There is a third thing.
I know exactly what you mean. We all look out on the same reality no matter what the contents of our individual heads may be. So when the greatest spiritual beings of our shared human heritage talk, it's normal to find common themes, I'd think.
Buddhist philosophy is complimentary to many discaplines and practices. As the Buddha himself said, "I teach two things, the arising of suffering, and the extinction of suffering. That is all that I teach." A paraphriase of course.
I've found no other system of thought and action that has so simply divulged the mechanisms of the mind, and they keys to having conscious control of them.
Or as my dad might have said, "Good sense is good sense. Doesn't matter where it comes from."
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