Friday, August 7, 2020

Why I No Longer Use the Term Holy Guardian Angel

Many years ago, my Holy Guardian Angel landed upon me as I was standing in line about to order an unhealthy lunch in a Wendy’s.  He told me that I belonged in an occult shop. I asked how am I expected to do that, he said not to worry about it. It will happen.

He was correct. Many years later a series of mundane events happened that just led me to opening my shop, The Open Eye. I have found running the place to be nothing like work. I love my customers. I take great pleasure in our conversations as they share their life journeys with me. And, I bounce off the walls with joy when I am helpful in someone’s life. I have a nice little niche in the corner of my town the size of two master bedrooms. I enjoy every minute of it aside from one task. I am not happy doing curbside with Covid-19 so prevalent in my area. All this happened because I simply trusted the universe and my angel. Aside from that, I can take no credit.

I no longer refer to him as my Holy Guardian Angel. When my HGA first appeared, what stood out was the guardian part. When I did or wanted to do something stupid, he would show up in a dream as a police officer. He would stop me from doing something analogous to my contemplated stupidity. More often than not, I would heed the warning. In short, he was the guardian of a child.

That role has changed. I know him better. I know where he lives as an angel. I know his origins as a human and thus my own. He is just one more aspect of my multi-dimensional self. So, I now refer to him as my angel.

As such, he has showed me other aspects of myself that live fully unique lives on other planes. I have not explored these much. I can say that when self meets self both are surprised by the encounter.

I can say that knowing more about him makes me understand some of my personal quirks. For example, since I was a child I have always been confused by the act of walking. The fact that we put one foot in front of the other to move never felt right. I also have to be very diligent when handling objects. Once I am done with a physical object, I have to be very aware I am holding it or I will just drop it. I believe but do not know for sure that these traits are the result of my angel being present. In his world any object that is needed materializes or dematerializes as needed. Everything is made of light. Moving is the result of intent, much like it is during astral projection. No ‘feet’ are necessary.

I also lose things constantly. I can put something down and not be able to find it again. I can ask whomever is around and they can tell me exactly where it is. This is especially annoying when I just looked where someone else found the object with ease.  I am the mythical absent-minded magician. I have learned that when I can release my frustration and just tell the object to materialize on this plane so that I can use it, I will suddenly come across the object. Never has an object just materialized in front of me so that I can see it but that would be totally cool.

In short, I call him my angel because he does not fulfill the role of a child’s guardian anymore. That has made the relationship all the more fascinating and, from some perspectives, even more weird.


Anxfisa said...

I love this! Thank you so much. There is definitely an evolving role in how we connect with spiritual beings.

Anxfisa said...

I love this! Thank you so much. There is definitely an evolving role in how we connect with spiritual beings.

Jackie Harris said...

Great story, thank you for sharing your experience.
I'm curious how you knew he was a HGA to begin with and not a Spirit Guide/helper?

Robert said...

That is a good question and deserves more than a comment. I will post something on that topic soon.